Friday, December 20, 2019

The Effects Of School Lunch Programs On Children s Nutrition

School lunch programs supplement children’s nutrition needs and without them many children would go hungry, be malnourished and lack the fuel needed to learn. Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, passed into law by President Barack Obama, reauthorized funding of the original Child Nutrition Act of 1966. Changes impacting not only the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs but also Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Summer Food Service Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Child and Adult Care Food Programs. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, for the first time in over 30 years, reformed school lunch and breakfast programs thereby improving nutrition for†¦show more content†¦The video, a parody of a well-known current song, cites the statistic that active teens require 2000-5000 calories a day to meet their growth and energy needs (You Tube, n.d.). Children in the video, undernourished from too few calories, fall down and crawl in fatigue. Limiting the lunch meal to 850 calories, required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, is more than sufficient. Active male teens need between 2,800 to 3,200 calories a day while sedentary teens only need 2000. Athletic male teens need the high end of calories with 2000-5000 (Coleman, n.d.). If 2000- 4000 calories a day were needed, which is likely for the majority of teens, and those calories were divided between 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, the lunch meal would only need to consist of 400-800 calories; well within the range specified in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Children in America are experiencing an epidemic where obesity and obesity-related disease is staggering, not only for adults, but also for children. The CDC reports, â€Å"childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents over the last 30 years. In 2012 more than one third of children and adolescents were overwei ght or obese† (CDC, 2014). This generation’s life expectancy is predicted to be the first in history to be less than their parents; they will be sicker and die younger (The New England Journal of Medicine, as cited in the New

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Seedling of Political PhilosophyPlato!!!! Essay Example For Students

The Seedling of Political PhilosophyPlato!!!! Essay Tara Political PhilosophyDecember 3,1998Option 1The Seedling of Political PhilosophyPlato!!!!!!!!Political philosophys are the theories and ideas of those who believe that they have an answer to the questions that politics raise in society. The questions that these political philosophers set out to answer range from describing what the state of nature is to what type of regimes are necessary to tame and organize the nature of man.The ideas that they come up with are not all that original. Plato, an early political philosopher and student of Socrates, set out to come up with a society that would function properly.His ideal society would consist of rulers, guardians, and the masses. All of which are molded at a young age to play a societal role in order to contribute to the betterment of their social arena. Plato has gone down in history as one of the better political philosophers to ever live, and arguably the best. While looking at what a society needs, he was able to recognize the n eeds of a society as well as the needs of the individual. He #humbled the ego of man, when he acknowledged that one individual could not survive on his own and that all people are dependent on others to survive. His idea of an organized community has been the focus of many political philosophy debates and has been a stepping stone from which many philosophers have created their own ideal social environment. Though their theories may not be identical to Platos, signs of his structures are definitely evident. Thomas Hobbes, a political philosopher in the seventeenth century, had many theories and ideas that seemed to have coincided with Platos thoughts.Hobbes view of the state of nature was a very primitive one. He felt that in the state of nature there was a war of every man against every man to survive. In the natural state, justice was impossible, because without set limits and structures, everyone has the rights to everything and anarchy is almost inevitable.The only way to escape the unfortunate fate of anarchy would be for everyone to agree to a covenant. In this covenant, all the people would give up their rights and create a sovereign. The conditions of the covenant was to give the sovereign full discretion in dealing with citizens. It was up to the sovereign to protect the lives of the citizens. Quite ironically, the sovereign also had the right to have any citizen #killed. Fortunately, the citizens did not give up their right to fight back and were allowed to, usually to no avai l. As long as the sovereign was keeping the majority of citizens alive and maintaining absolute power, the covenant would be considered successful and a civil society would have been created. The covenant proposed in Leviathan, was meant to help keep the common good of peace. As long as people werent killing each other the common good was being reached and the monarchy was considered successful. If people continued to kill each other the covenant of the absolute sovereign would be looked upon as tyranny. This is clearly comparable to Platos theory of a civil society. Plato pointed out how no one person could survive by them self or without the help of a controlled civil society. Hobbes takes Platos idea of men dependent upon other men, to extremes when he reveals that men will kill each other in order to survive. WHY? Because other people have what we need in order to maintain our lives, whether it be property, food or etc. But why do we need a civil society? Hobbes, again is playing off Platos acknowledgement of the selfishness of man. Because people are selfish and are willing to do whatever it takes to live, they are going to violate others in order to better themselve s. Only in a #society where restrictions and laws are placed upon people, will people begin to work with one another instead of against one another in the effort to survive together and use the resources and expertise that each person has to offer. Though Hobbes way of governing this communal society is a bit different than Plato, it still stems from the same premise. The sovereign that Hobbes describes will be given complete discretion and is trusted to act on what is best for the overall community. Likewise, Platos rulers are trusted to bring the community together in the hopes of making a strong and flourishing civil society. A definite difference between the two rulers of Hobbes and Plato is that Platos ruler would be naturally picked by the individuals inherent wisdom. His ruler would be someone who was born wise and meant to be in the ruling position. Hobbes ruler would be someone who the citizens picked and acknowledged as the absolute sovereign in the societies covenant. Alexis De Tocqueville, a political philosopher of the nineteenth century, is another good example of a philosopher whos ideas where simply branches of Platos philosophical roots. Coming from an aristocracy in France, De Tocqueville went to America to study the prison system. Instead of following through with this study, he found himself intrigued with the political #system that occupied America. His work, Democracy in America, became a political comparison between Aristocracy and Democracy. Instead of looking at the behavior of people in the primitive state of nature, like Plato and Hobbes, he focused on the present and what would be the best political structure for the societies that people were currently in. This way of building his political beliefs was different than Platos and Hobbes way of coming up with their theories, but was still effective in helping him analyze what type of societal structure would most effectively contribute to the common good of each communities individu als. Should voting be compulsory in Australia? EssayKarl Marx, a political philosopher from the nineteenth #century, is another very well known philosopher. Just like Plato, Hobbes and De Tocqueville, Marx had a vision of how a community that is segregated by social classes could possibly take up a new governmental structure that would best help all the citizens of the society, not just the aristocracies of the area. His ideal society would be classless.Marx saw societys structure to be a result of history, that would eventually smooth its way out. The beginning means to his plan of the classless society would commence when a movement towards ending capitalism took effect. He saw capitalism as a way in which the bourgeoisie exploited their workers in order to increase the value of their productions. Unfortunately for capitalism, it had a lethal and self-destructive characteristic that would bring an end to it. This ruinous trait was its voracious need to compete and dominate the product ion market. The competition of the producers to produce more and in turn exploit their workers more, would eventually cause some of the producers to go out of business. With less competition there would be more lower level and oppressed proletarians. The effect of having more proletarians than middle class citizens changed the society from being a capitalist community to a community of socialism. Eventually, this ever changing society would change from socialist environment #to a classless society. Marx held firmly that industrialism would be the key to the classless society. He calculated that more machines bearing the brunt of production would liberate humans from the harsh labor that they had endured. Because machines can produce more in a shorter period of time than humans, he speculated that their would be enough produce to allow everyone to live a generous life. Hence, everyone would have an equal means to a good life and the society would turn from an aristocracy to a classle ss society. This classless atmosphere would be a communist environment where no one person owns land, but instead the property and goods produced on property would be custody of the state, not the individuals of the state. Karl Marxs theory of the state being the owner of all property, in a sense, put all people in the state on an equal level. Because the state owned all the produce and property, they were able to distribute the goods to all the citizens. This would reassure that all citizens well-beings were being met, thus the common good would be attained. Because of Marxs sensitivity towards the proletariat class and their needs, as well as the needs of the middle class, his theories were merely concepts that would help meet the common good #of the state as a whole, not just the elite. Marxs mentality is what puts him in the same class as Plato, Hobbes and De Tocqueville. He sought a means towards improving the community; communism was the final concept he came up with, that he felt could enhance the living styles of all the people within his social arena. The ideas of Hobbes, De Tocqueville and Marx were all ways of making the means meet with an end. They all sought to provide a communal environment where all citizens could live without bias. Though Hobbes sought a monarchy, with one sovereign to lead the state, and De Tocqueville discovered that what is good for one state is not necessarily good for another and Marx founded a communist government he thought would best work for his state; doesnt mean that they did not all share a common goal. It is obvious through their thoughts and words that each of these philosophers focused an immense amount of their attention towards forming the perfect political structures to manage the citizens of their states with. All three of them shared the same goal, their goal was to seek out the finest solutions that would resolve the dilemmas that their states faced, they were all on a quest for the common good. The only thing that separates these writers is the means they used, in an attempt to satisfy the endthe #common good. Plato was the earliest of all the presented philosophers. His ideas and aspirations were all based on the knowledge that he acquired from his teacher, Socrates, and his own experiences. His thoughts of pursuing a common good for a community of people, not just for an individual, were foundational thoughts that had a drastic carry through on political philosophers that would follow. Hobbes, De Tocqueville and Marx have had noteworthy effects on the political systems that have emerged; but I can say with confidence, that at the root of their philosophical writings, is the seedling that Plato first planted. Platos thoughts were the first seedlings and roots in the search for the common good. Hobbes, De Tocquevilles and Marxs writings are the branches that have flourished from Platos seedlings. The ideas and theories of political philosophy owe a great deal to Plato. Without Platos initial seedlings, we wouldnt have the strong foundation that has allowed us to obtain the means which has allowed us to come even closer to achieving the ultimate common good of society.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The leadership Journey of Every Leader Free Sample for Students

Question: Write a Report on 21st Century Leadership. Answer: Introduction From the last 25 years, there has been a lot of change in the business environment which has changed the way business is conducted. The technological modernization, and its regular improvement, and the advent of the internet have augmented the speed of globalization. It has fetched a grid of knowledge-based culture, which is inter-linked through online applications (Barnes, 2010). As with the significance of this varying business backgrounds on leadership are that there is a necessity to express the new requirements for the 21st century leadership. This report will outline the critical literature review on the 21st century Leadership. It will summarize the leadership theories with the traditional theories and will contrast, compare and critically analyses the academic research on the topic of 21st century leadership. Literature Review The 21st century leadership definition can be sketched, as, collaboration procedure amongst the leader, the atmosphere and the admirers. It is now a procedure that contains the preparation of the apparitions due to assimilated situational information and combines admirers to conjointly accomplish these visualizations. Numerous classifications, explanations, theories and definitions have been done by scholars and researchers about the leadership of 21st century. Substantial effort has been done in classifying and clarifying the diverse magnitudes of active leadership and thus producing a significant managerial research of leadership patterns and performances (Bush, 2012). Many examiners of leadership traits have established consent that the development of thinking over the years has created a certainty that leadership is an adaptable and accommodating development course (Burns, 2012). Literature about leadership exposes that concepts of leadership have been redefined and altered with the way of time and none of the concept is entirely unrelated (Davies, 2002). The 21st century type of leadership applied in the functions of organizations entails a high grade of accuracy, sensitivity, self-assurance level, care and practical expertise that is unlike from the traditional and simple management oriented portfolios. According to Gilbert 2000, the understanding of leadership initiates with methodical supervision that outlines the progression of leadership philosophies through the superiority movement on the ethnic based, morals based, and trust-constructed relationship models. The author stated that people are spiritual by nature and leaders in the 21st century have to embrace a leadership style that has to be based on the traditional models beside with the emphasis on beliefs, communal, facility and religiousness (Guthrie and Callahan, 2016). Ciulla 2004 stated that respectable leadership has to be evaluated on two magnitudes, namely, ethically good and technologically effective. However, the problem is in finding the both qualities in the same person. The study of Ciulla stated that issue is not that the leaders should be held to high moral standard but they have to hold to the same standard with the rest of the staffs or people (Guthrie and Callahan, 2016). We usually hope that leaders who hav e a higher rate of success have high standards than the average person. An effective leader is one who is can bring the change in a positive way. With various examples that range from Machiavelli to Mahatma Gandhi, the study of Ciulla states that leadership requires a mixture of humility and confidence (Hill and Stephens, 2005). A good leadership is a call for the individuals who are confident enough to ask for help and can admit that they are wrong and can invite discussion and debate with their followers and superiors. Leadership theory can be progressed from the philosophy that leaders are natural or designed by nature to be in their character at a specific time to a replication of convinced traits that predict a prospective for leadership (Davies, 2002). The maturity or group would control the most of the operational style of leadership. The established four styles of leadership that are of participating, selling, delegating and selling have the significance of the styles with the maturity level of subordinates. In the article, the challenges of leadership in the modern world 2007, author Bennis and Warren reflected on the modern tendencies in the leadership model and its present eminence and social background (Leadership for 21st century learning, 2013). The author has confidence in that a good leadership has emotional impact the condition of his or her followers lives. The article stated that leadership is eventually about the standards and every leader has a schedule, an ambition and determina tion to accomplish that ambition grounded on the basis of his or her standards (Leadership for 21st century learning, 2013). Thus principles are measure of the every framework of leadership. But according to Duggar 2009, people with truthfulness are demarcated as ones that can be considered as leaders (Leadership for 21st century learning, 2013). At the corporate levels, integrity is about leaders that have developed a corporate culture that provides consistency, trust and predictable results. The leadership journey of every leader start with the understanding of their own life tales. Dependable leaders structure their tales in unique ways that permit them to see themselves not as impassive spectators but as persons who learns from the involvements. These leaders take a time to scrutinize their understandings and in doing so they grow themselves as a leader. The leadership growth for the 21st century is all-inclusive (Kelly, 2006). It is centered in collections or societies rather than persons that engage the group in emotion (O'Connell, 2014). From the 21st century point of view, leaderships expansion changes from separate focused to share focused. It has changed from separate leadership growth platforms to leadership platforms that are entrenched in existing issues recognized by the contributors in the course. In the 21st century, the utmost effective leaders will struggle on supporting superior portrayal by bring into line the publics around work and ethics and bestowin g leaders at all stages while having concentration on helping the consumers and cooperate with each other within and all the way through the establishments (Morrison, 2007). Leaders in the modern era have to achieve their intent for the organization with a strong focus on integrity, ethics that must be built on the foundation of values, all of which are necessary for long term success and corporate sustainability. Leadership can be observed, as the separate and communal response to alter the world for improved. For the current challenging business situation, the knowledge of leadership approach is very much important for the unforeseen and unprecedented events (O'Connell, 2014). Leadership has become very important for todays business due to its enormous complexity and accelerating change. The 21st century leadership is the viewpoint of leadership that aims to revert on the current business challenges and opportunities. With the long-drawn-out standard of leadership, it assimilates the concepts and customs from a widespread range of restraints and customs to substitute the applied acquaintance and transformative modification in the service of the world. The 21st century leadership is more than the activities, personalities and patterns of personalities (Penney, 2011). It is now viewed as the process in which everyone participates. The appearance of this viewpoint of leadership includes a full range of morals and adopts a variety of dimensions. The 21st century form of leadership has the capabilities and services which are endorsed in the various activities of life in framed ways. These embrace the perilous, inventive and structures thinking, communication, self-awareness and facilitation of the team and its combined procedures (Penney, 2011). For developing this view point of leadership, an overall orientation is necessary that must contain inward and outward alignment in including the person that is affianced in the system. In 21st century, the prosperous leaders will emphasis on nourishing superiority presentation by assigning and by bringing people into line with mission and standards authorizing them at all stages while directed on helping the consumers (Leadership for 21st century learning, 2013). Customary leaders thought that they could explain the difficulty of aligning with rule books and training platforms but where shocked when people deviated. The 21st century leaders enable the leaders of all stages joined with cultured responsibility to safeguard that the assurances are met. To promote the value based leadership, 21st century leadership has to establish a leadership culture of integrity. This entails weaving values and ethics in decision making process and considering the interests not only for the stock holders but also for the stockholders of the industries (Slavkin, 2010). The 21st century leaders are proactively capturing the knowledge of traditional leadership theories in order to gene rate the visions. Organization in this century is exposed to the external dynamism. The only way to be competitive and sustainable in the current business environment is by remaining flexible on all levels of the organization. Conclusion In summary, the 21st century leadership can be described as the varied and integrative dimensional opinion of leadership that is grounded in associations. With shared views and objectives, leadership brings new ways of being, knowing and doing while acknowledging the development nature of human life. The 21st century leadership is focused on towards collective provision, the social upright and maintaining balance to individuals and environment. The study concluded that the 21st century leadership has the capabilities and services which are endorsed in the various activities of life in framed ways such as thinking, communication, self-awareness and facilitation of the team and its combined procedures. References Barnes, J. (2010). Extending traditional 21st-century leadership skills. Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(4), pp.111-112. Burns, J. (2012). Leadership. 1st ed. New York, NY: Open Road Integrated Media. Bush, T. (2012). Leadership and Research in the 21st Century. Educational Management Administration Leadership, 40(4), pp.421-422. Davies, A. (2002). Focus on LeadershipServant-Leadership for the 21st Century. Long Range Planning, 35(4), pp.434-436. Guthrie, K. and Callahan, K. (2016). Liberal Arts: Leadership Education in the 21st Century. New Directions for Higher Education, 2016(174), pp.21-33. Hill, R. and Stephens, D. (2005). The Multiplicity of Selves and Selves Management: A Leadership Challenge for the 21st Century. Leadership, 1(1), pp.127-140. Kelly, S. (2006). Leadership Refrains: Patterns of Leadership. Leadership, 2(2), pp.181-201. Leadership for 21st century learning. (2013). 1st ed. Paris: OECD. Morrison, A. (2007). Leadership diversity and leadership challenge. Leadership in Action, 12(3), pp.1-4. O'Connell, P. (2014). A simplified framework for 21st century leader development. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), pp.183-203. Penney, S. (2011). Voices of the future: Leadership for the 21st century. Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(3), pp.55-62. Slavkin, H. (2010). Leadership for health care in the 21st Century: A personal perspective. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, p.35.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Last Of The Mohicans

From implausible, daring escapes to unrealistic accounts of the savagery of the Native Americans, James Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans emphasizes the â€Å"fiction† in historical fiction. The novel is comically littered with contradictory tones and gross inaccuracies in terms of frontier life, but in spite of the aforementioned, Cooper manages to convey his over-used American roughrider, Hawkeye, as a genuine model for nineteenth-century gunslinger heroes. Also appreciable is the author’s brief commentaries on racism, with a unique facility for embedding a sort of linguistic philosophy that are unique to Cooper. The book begins innocently enough, with an introduction that tells us that the setting is the third year of the French and Indian War. The author’s use of historical facts allows the reader to more vividly imagine what is being described, and allows Cooper to draw on the reader’s knowledge of the French and Indian War. Already, the specter of racism has â€Å"reared its ugly head†, as one of the characters of the book exhibits a stereotypical reaction to a Native American, one of both fascination and repulsion. This fear of Native Americans is what fueled, in part, the Jackson-era anti-Native American policies circa 1830. As the beginning of the book progresses, however, we see that Cooper may not be in favor of busting stereotypes; in fact, he may be responsible for quite a few of them. As the focus switches to Coopers beloved character, Hawkeye, the â€Å"cowboys and Indians† sentiment that so clearly defined the mid-nineteenth century manifests itself with great propensity. From gun-toting woodsmen to arrow-slinging Indians, Cooper’s use of broad stereotypes indicates he may have had a hand in creating an anti-Native American culture. His references to the numerous acts of savagery on the parts of the Native Americans are disturbing, and for the most part untrue. The frequent scalpings, the drinking of blood, and... Free Essays on Last Of The Mohicans Free Essays on Last Of The Mohicans From implausible, daring escapes to unrealistic accounts of the savagery of the Native Americans, James Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans emphasizes the â€Å"fiction† in historical fiction. The novel is comically littered with contradictory tones and gross inaccuracies in terms of frontier life, but in spite of the aforementioned, Cooper manages to convey his over-used American roughrider, Hawkeye, as a genuine model for nineteenth-century gunslinger heroes. Also appreciable is the author’s brief commentaries on racism, with a unique facility for embedding a sort of linguistic philosophy that are unique to Cooper. The book begins innocently enough, with an introduction that tells us that the setting is the third year of the French and Indian War. The author’s use of historical facts allows the reader to more vividly imagine what is being described, and allows Cooper to draw on the reader’s knowledge of the French and Indian War. Already, the specter of racism has â€Å"reared its ugly head†, as one of the characters of the book exhibits a stereotypical reaction to a Native American, one of both fascination and repulsion. This fear of Native Americans is what fueled, in part, the Jackson-era anti-Native American policies circa 1830. As the beginning of the book progresses, however, we see that Cooper may not be in favor of busting stereotypes; in fact, he may be responsible for quite a few of them. As the focus switches to Coopers beloved character, Hawkeye, the â€Å"cowboys and Indians† sentiment that so clearly defined the mid-nineteenth century manifests itself with great propensity. From gun-toting woodsmen to arrow-slinging Indians, Cooper’s use of broad stereotypes indicates he may have had a hand in creating an anti-Native American culture. His references to the numerous acts of savagery on the parts of the Native Americans are disturbing, and for the most part untrue. The frequent scalpings, the drinking of blood, and...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Company Law - Essay Example   Explanations of the options available to John with reference to relevant statutory provisions and case law On the initiative undertaken by John with regards to changing the legal formality of the business, there are a number of options available; I would advise him to incorporate his business since it will offer him a number of advantages relating to returns and management of the business. Incorporation entails the aspect of registering a business entity under the companies’ Act where it runs its activities as a separate legal entity in which the owner is free from the liabilities of the business. The following are the benefits attached to incorporation of a business: a. The business once registered as a separate entity i.e. as a company, it acquires independent corporate existence features, upon these features, the owner is distinct from the company and therefore cannot bear any liability of the company or be compelled to pay any debt owed by the entity.1 b. The business once registered will start living its own legal life upon which all the liabilities which John in his earlier sole proprietorship, would to bear as an entrepreneur. He will be protected by having limited liabilities in that only the charges for shares and capital he will incur after which his personal property, is safeguarded from any liability the company may suffer. c. A company has a characteristic of perpetual existence and under this feature cannot end unless under the provided legal mechanisms. Once he registers his business as a company, it has ability to never die as the death of the owner cannot affect the existence of the company.2 d. The company once registered, is required to be run by professionals and proper management will be achieved unlike other modes of running business activities. e. Unlike in his current business organisation, a company once registered under the Act t acquires the ability to own separate property in that, it can hold the property in its own name and this deters any other persons even its directors, from claiming the company’s assets. f. Also, with the ability to transfer the shares of the company, there is a room to raise more capital further facilitating the aspect of increasing production by expanding business activities. g. The aspect of incorporation also attracts numerous merits of taxations. This achievement of saving taxes is done through for instance, leasing company’s property from which one reduce the amount of tax paid since the holders of such leases are to pay property taxes. This advantage has been well developed in our jurisprudence such as in the case of Macaura V Northern Assurance ltd, whereby in this case the claimant who had the majority shareholding of the company had gone to court to claim for compensation from an insurance company upon the fire tragedy which burnt all the company properties, their honourable justices were of the opinion that the companies properties belong to the company and not the holder of the large number shares and only the company through its agents can claim this compensation. This position clearly outlines the fact that the properties of the company are safeguarded as those of the company and in case of any damage on them still the members of the company cannot be held liable of the same. h. By creation of an independent corporate existence, the owner will be able to keep a private and confidential identity away from that of business.3 i. Also when he

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Policy Choices under IFRS in UK and German Context Essay

Policy Choices under IFRS in UK and German Context - Essay Example The present research has identified that after the mandatory adoption of IFRS by the public listed companies in 2005-06 especially in the Euro zone, the companies develop their financial statements in accordance with the guideline provided by the IFRS. IFRS, however, allows different policy choices for the companies to make. For example, in measuring the inventory, IFRS has provided a policy choice of measuring inventory amount on the basis of either FIFO method or on weighted average method. Similarly, some other choices have also been framed by IFRS to the companies, like they can value their property, plant and equipment either on cost model or revaluation model etc. Nobes studied this area of research and outlined 16 policy choices that are mostly available to the companies. The four choices have been eliminated from this analysis as some of them are industry specific and some of them are commonly used by every company no matter in which industry they operate. The rest of twelve policy choices do have some issues with them as some organizations do not disclose their policies at times. The most common examples are of â€Å"investment property† and â€Å"inventory† such that in relation to investment property, organizations do not disclose whether these investment properties are valued at cost or fair value, and in case of inventories, organizations at times do not disclose whether the inventories are valued at FIFO method or weighted average method. ... ing pro?t (b) no such line 3 (a) equity accounting results included in ‘operating’ (b) immediately after (c) after ?nance 4 (a) balance sheet shows assets = credits (b) showing net assets 5 (a) liquidity decreasing in balance sheet (cash at top) (b) liquidity increasing 6 (a) Statement of Changes in Equity, including dividends and share issues (b) SORIE, not including them 7 (a) direct operating cash ?ows (b) indirect 8 (a) dividends received shown as operating cash ?ow (b) as investing 9 (a) interest paid shown as operating cash ?ow (b) as ?nancing 10 (a) only cost for PPE (b) some fair value 11 (a) investment property at cost (b) at fair value 12 (a) some designation of ?nancial assets at fair value (b) none 13 (a) capitalisation of interest on construction (b) expensing 14 (a) FIFO for inventory cost (b) weighted average 15 (a) actuarial gains and losses to SORIE (b) to income in full (c) corridor 16 (a) proportional consolidation of some joint ventures (b) only equit y method The following table reflects the 6 big corporations of UK which represents their policy choices of IFRS. Policy Changes GSK Astra Zeneca BAE British Airways Rolls Royce SAB Miller Total Percentage 1 (a) income statement by function 1 1 1 1 1 5 83.33% (b) by nature    1 1 16.67%    (c) Neither                   0 0.00% 2 (a) inclusion of a line for EBIT or operating profit 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100.00%    (b) no such line                   0 0.00% 3 (a) equity accounting results of associates and joint ventures included in ‘operating’    1 1 16.67% (b) immediately after    0 0.00%    (c) after finance 1    1 1 1 1 5 83.33% 4 (a) balance sheet showing assets = credits    1 1 16.67%    (b) showing net assets 1 1 1    1 1 5 83.33% 5 (a) liquidity decreasing (cash at top)    0 0.00%    (b) liquidity

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Personal Dietary Analysis Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Dietary Analysis Two - Essay Example I was always either within the limits or under the target limit. However, I somehow overshot the daily limits pertaining to the total calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol intake. I believe that was an accidental occurrence as I would never willingly go over my target limitations per day. The target daily limit for cholesterol was set at 300 mg and I overshot it at 426 mg. I also went over the saturated fat limit of 10 percent. I clocked in at a maximum of 12 percent instead. The AMDR for carbohydrates is actually 130 g and I consumed 322 g while the percentage of carbohydrate calories clocked in at 45-65 % with me consuming 49 percent of calories. I actually feel good about these results because I was able to prove that my metabolism actually burns the carbohydrates that I consume in a day. I felt very happy and satisfied knowing that I can easily lose weight if I want to because my metabolism is working just fine. The target grain consumption for my daily time period was 7 ounces. Since I averaged 10 ounces per meal, I was over the target by 3 percent for that particular time frame. While the vegetable consumption was targeted at 3 cups and I consumed 2 1/4 cups which was within the acceptable limits of my 2200 Calorie allowance. MY maximum daily fruit allowance was supposed to be only 2 cups but I often overshot and ended up eating about 2 1/2 cups of fruit instead. That was not a problem at all since fruits are very healthy for the body and actually help in the digestion of my food and increase in my metabolism. The suggested daily fiber intake for me was set at 26 g but I only managed to consume 23 g which was just alright for my target group. I am actually quite pleased with myself as I was able to get that close to the target daily intake considering that I was constantly watching my food intake. I believe that was a job well done on my part because I was able to consume the right amount of fiber in a day

Friday, November 15, 2019

Causes of Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice

Causes of Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice Shaun Wharton Understanding the term ethical dilemma and how such dilemmas arise in social work practice. The paper will begin by explaining the term ethical dilemma and how such dilemmas arise in social Work practice through; what conditions and components are needed for an ethical dilemma to develop, and by explaining how ethical dilemmas occur within agency policy, law, professional ethics and personal values. Furthermore the paper will apply agency policy and law to the case study of Jack, a 62 year old white man, in order to explore how ethical dilemmas arise within social work. The paper will then explore risk verses autonomy, by weighing up the consequences for and against supporting Jack, through utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. This will then lead to explore a new proposed action. Finally the conclusion gives a brief summary and critique of the findings. The first part of this essay will explain the conditions and components needed for an ethical dilemma to develop. Firstly there has to be a difficult decision made with two or more unwelcome courses of action avail able (Banks, 2006, p.8). Secondly no matter what course of action has been undertaken, an ethical principle has been bent or broken (Allen, 2014). Once you have made a decision then the social worker is left responsible for choosing an imperfect answer and the inevitable unwelcome out comes (Banks, 2006, p.9). This paper will now explain when an ethical dilemma occurs, firstly through agency policy and law, these are integrated into every course of action, and decision made. One important act is the Human Rights Act and is integrated into UK law. This means that every person can protect their rights in court and public organisations have to treat everyone equally. (Minister of Justice, 2006). Social workers often only have one course of action to take and that’s to follow the law and agency policy (hcpc, 2012). Sometimes social workers professional codes of practice might come into conflict with law and agency policy, this is not an ethical dilemma because there is only one course of action to take, for example they should follow the law. Additionally due to the social workers codes of professional practice you are obligated to lobby against such law (hcpc, 2012). In contrast Braye and Preston Shoot (1997) suggest the law is vague, leaving the social workers to decide what course of action to take, producing ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.8). Secondly Professional ethics can result in ethical dilemmas for example, when trying to choose the best course of action in relation to a service user (Allen, 2014). Ethics are a professional guide (morals actions) set out to help people in groups or within a professional organisation to make right decisions, when an ethical dilemma presents itself. In social work this is the health and care professions council (hcpc) and offers a set of ethical principles to determine the right course of action and therefore produces a logical thought process, resulting in consistency throughout the profession. (Parrott, 2011, p.79). In contrast, the social workers, hcpc codes of practice covers a large range of codes of behaviour and conduct (Banks, 2006, p.78), therefore blurring professional boundaries, (Banks, 2006, p.16), which result in ethical dilemmas (hcpc, 2012). Finally Values are something that can produce personal ethical dilemmas. Values are what people hold close to their heart and are seen as valuable to them for instance, someone’s cultural beliefs of right and wrong (Oxford, 2014). It’s very important to understand personal ethics and values through critical-reflection (BASW, 2014). Through identifying personal values, ethics and acknowledging the power a social worker holds, you can expose bias views and dominant discourses (Banks, 2006, p.159). Thompson’s PCS Model can help explore any anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practices, not just on a personal level, but cultural and social/structural level too (Barbra, 2010, p.12). It’s then possible to reflect and change further professional judgements (Banks, 2006, p.159). Personal values are used to inform every day practice as long as there are within the hcpc. Therefore making the social workers job very complex, because they have to balance their own moral integrity, to society, service users and the agencies they work with in, causing personal ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.17). To understand how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, this essay will apply agency policy and law to a case study. Jack is a 62yr old white man who lives alone in a privately rented flat; Jack has asked if his carer could support him to visit a paid prostitute as part of his assessed care plan; paid for by public funds. The first thing to ascertain is whether any laws or agency policies will be broken. The actual act of visiting a prostitute is not illegal (GOV.UK 2014). The second question to ask is whether local authority procedures allow for the payment of a prostitute. Service users receive direct payments, this can be spent on personal care, social activities, respite care and may vary from one local authority to another (Royal Borough of Greenwich, 2014). So the local authority’s payment would likely cover Jack’s suggestion. The local authority also has a legal duty of care to make sure Jack is not financially exploited (The National Archives, 2014). A social worker has to support Jacks autonomy, even if this puts him in danger (Parrott, 2011, p.90). Jack has become socially isolated because of his disabilities and it is the social workers responsibility to promote social inclusion (hcpc, 2012). In contrast even though it’s not illegal to visit a prostitute there are many laws, professional codes of ethics and personal values against actions involving Jack with prostitution. This is especially relevant to Jack as he has already been warned by the police not to get involved sexually with any underage woman. This causes an ethical dilemma (Banks, 2006, p.12), between promoting Jacks autonomy and protecting Jacks welfare (BASW, 2014). Whilst the local authority’s payment would likely cover Jack’s suggestion, this still could cause an ethical dilemma, between the public generally thinking it’s wrong to use public money visit a prostitute, and the local authority who needs to promote Jacks inclusion in soci ety. Also the actual interaction with the prostitute is beyond the help of a social worker and proposes health risks. Several ethical dilemmas have developed (Banks, 2006, p.14). Whenever a social worker is faced with risk, they would perform a risk assessment (, 2010). The risk assessment would weigh up the consequences for and against supporting Jack. The social worker could use an ethical framework to assist decision making for example, Lowenberg and Dolgoffs, (2005) Ethical Principles Screen, which attempts to put ethical principles in order of importance (Lowenberg and Dolgoffs cited in, Learning Portal, 2013). The social worker would start by examining the risks of not supporting Jack through applying the human rights acts and any other laws. Jacks right to liberty and security would be affected, Article 5; it would also affect his right to the prohibition of discrimination, Article 14 and the right to private and family life, Article 8 (GOV.UK 2014). This would lead to the social worker failing to uphold the Equality Act 2010 (, 2010) and the Local authority would fail in its duty of care ( 2010) . The social worker would then apply professional codes of practice and would be failing in, article five of the hcpc, be aware of the impact of culture, equality and diversity, this is because of Jacks disabilities and a social worker should promote equality for example, equal access to society. The social worker would fail to adhere to article six of the hcpc, also fail to practise in a non-discriminatory manner (hcpc, 2012), this is because the social worker would be withholding funds, not letting him make his own choices, and also limiting his access to society (hcpc, 2012). The social worker would also apply the British Association of Social Workers codes of ethics (BASW, 2014), for example, BASW outline that all social workers should respect human rights and be committed to promoting social justice (BASW 2014). Under BASW the social worker would be compromising values and ethical principles, through failing to uphold and promote human dignity and well-being, respecting the right to self-determination, promoting the right to participation and treating each person as a whole. A social worker is also expected to promote social justice and would be failing in challenging discrimination, distributing resource and recognising diversity (BASW 2014). The social worker would then explore the risks of supporting Jack. For instance this course of action could result in a public moral outcry. This is because there have been several media campaigns, to stop local authorities from using public money for prostitutes (Donnelly, Howie, Leach, 2010). Social workers have a duty to protect the reputation of the profession through the British association of social workers (BASW, 2014). Many of the human rights above are not absolute rights; they are qualified rights and in certain circumstances can be broken, for example when protecting public health or when protecting other people’s human rights. This is evident with Jack potentially taking advantage of a vulnerable person (prostitute) (SHRC, 2014). By applying utilitarianism to the assessment above the theory would suggest finding all the different courses of action available. Second would be to calculate all the positives and negatives that can result from these actions and thirdly this theory suggests to choose the course of action that produces the most benefits and the least damage for all involved (Parrott, 2011, p.54). Supporting Jack would limit for his financial risk, reduced the risk committing an offence, and reduce many of the health risks involved with visiting a prostitute. Also the social worker could make sure the prostitute was making an informed choice (HCPC, 2014). Over all the risk assessment would support Jack, but as mentioned above, the social worker is left with an imperfect answer and the inevitable undesirable effects. But because a risk assessment isn’t an exact science there are additional ways to inform social work practice (Banks, 2006, p.25). The decision to support Jack could compromise the social worker’s personal values causing an ethical dilemma; between personal values and supporting Jack. The social worker could support the idea that Jack should not just seek pleasure. The social worker would be applying virtues ethics (Banks, 2009, pp.38-49), because this ethical theory is more concerned with character not actions. This theory suggests the individual should avoid extremes, this is not to say Jack should not want sex, it just should not come before everything else (Parrott, 2011, p.58). The social worker could also incorporate Kant’s deontological theory. This is an absolutist theory which argues once something is wrong it’s always wrong, for instance, â€Å"you should not take advantage of a vulnerable person† (Parrott, 2011, p.54). This theory is linked to duty. This is called the categorical imperative that indicates we should only conform to an action, when it can be applied to the re st of the world, for instance, if one person lies the rest of the world can lie, this would produce mistrust throughout society. So lying cannot be applied to society universally (Banks, 2006, pp.29-30). In addition there is the concept of reversal, for example, if you were vulnerable would you like someone to take advantage of you? If not, then you shouldn’t do it to anyone else (Parrott, 2011, pp.50-51). The social worker could use the theories above to propose a new course of action based on personal values, in accordance with the law and the professional code of ethics (HCPC, 2014). This course of action would offer a viable alternative. If Jack refused, new ethical dilemmas would arise, similar to the ones discussed above (The National Archives, 2014). This action would limit the risk above and solve most of the ethical dilemmas. For example, one of BASW ethical principles is to identify and develop strengths (BASW, 2014). Jack could be introduced to a wider network of friends, enabling him to find what he needs through clubs, hobbies and dating agencies etc. The consequences of this action is time related, it could take some time for Jack to fulfil his needs. The actual implementation of the action would be governed by utilitarianism, most benefits and the least damage for all involved (Mill, 2004). This paper has shown how ethical dilemmas can arise through agency policy, law, professional ethics and personal values. The paper then applied agency policy and law to a case study to show how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, by exposing ethical dilemmas between promoting the welfare of the service user verses promoting the service users right to make their own decisions. The paper proceeded to assess the risk of both courses of action by using theories of ethics through, utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics; this led to explore a more viable solution, through personal values, resulting in a new course of action. The paper can conclude that an ethical dilemma results from conflicting laws, agency policies and personal values, to address these issues a social worker will combine several different ethical theories, with this becoming a mechanical matter for some, informed by personal values for others and sometimes mixture of both. (Words 2186) References Allen, K, Ph.D. (2014).  What Is an Ethical Dilemma?.Available: Last accessed 15th Dec 2014. Banks S, (2006) British Association of Social Workers. Ethics and values in social work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Banks, S, Gallagher, A (2009). Ethics in Professional Life. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Barbra, T (2010). An Introduction to Applying Social Work Theories and Methods. Berkshire: Open University Press. Donnelly, L, Howie, M, Leach, B. (2010). Councils pay for prostitutes for the disabled. Available: Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. GOV.UK. (2014). Prostitution and Exploitation of Prostitution. Available: Last accessed 11th Dec 2014. hcpc. (2012). Social workers in England. Available: Last accessed 16th Dec 2014. Health and Care Professions Council. (2012). Guidance on conduct and ethics for students. Available: Last accessed 16th Dec 2014. J. Leuven,T. Visak. (2013). Ryder’s Painism and His Criticism of Utilitarianism. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 26 (2), 409–419. Kathleen E. Murphy, Ph.D. (1997). Resolving Ethical Dilemmas. Available: Last accessed 16th Dec 2014. Learning Portal . (2013). Ethical Practice – Defining the Process. Available: Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. (2010). Equality Act 2010. Available: Last accessed 5th Nov 2014. Mill, S. (2004).UTILITARIANISM.  Available: Last accessed 16th Dec 2014. Minister of Justice. (2006). Making sense of human rights. Available: Last accessed 15th Dec 2014. Oxford Dictionaries. (2014). Oxford Dictionaries. Available: Last accessed 29th Nov 2014. Parrott, L (2011).  Values and Ethics in Social Work Practice. 2nd ed. Glasgow: Learning Matters Ltd. Royal Borough of Greenwich. (2014). Direct payments. Available: Last accessed 17th Dec 2014. Scottish Human Rights Commission. (2014). Welcome to Care about Rights. Available: Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. Sokol, B. (2006).  What if.  Available: The National Archives. (2014). Human Rights Act 1998. Available: Last accessed 11th Dec 2014. The National Archives. (2014). National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. Available: Last accessed 11th Dec 2014. The Policy, Ethics and Human Rights Committee. (2014). The Code of Ethics for Social Work. Available: Last accessed 12th Dec 2014.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Baron Von Steuben :: essays research papers

The Prussian Baron von Steuben, being a newcomer to the Revolutionary cause in America, was in a position to see many of the deficiencies in military discipline and their causes. The reasons for his unique insight may have been due to the fact that he was distanced from the revolutionary ideals in America, and as a result, was able to better observe and understand them; and ultimately use them to shape his new and successful form of discipline in the Continental Army. Most of the commanders of the Continental Army, from the commander in chief to the lower officers had subscribed to the traditional European method that relied on fear to achieve discipline. This method of fear was probably not essential, and had little if any effect in the early days of the war because the soldiers were mostly fighting for their own ideologies. To the soldiers, the commanders were of little importance. The soldiers were going to fight their own fight, and leave the battle when they felt it necessary. The soldier saw himself as a volunteer, a citizen fighting in a group of citizens, and as a result did not respond well to the traditional forms of discipline. The soldier knew it wasnÕt necessary for him to serve, and he knew that he would not be looked down upon for not serving or leaving the army by his fellow revolutionaries. He had the freedom to chose how he wished to serve the revolution, and military service was not an obligation. One aspect of the traditional European system that Baron von Steuben felt needed change was the relationship between the officers and the soldiers. Officers in the Continental Army felt it was necessary to distance themselves from the common soldiers, as an officer had an obligation as a gentleman as well. This division was along social lines, and by separation, the officers felt the common soldiers would show even greater respect. Royster describes this accurately by saying that the officers tried Òto make themselves haughty objects of the soldiersÕ awe.Ó (215) Steuben did several things to put the officers and the soldiers on common ground. First, sergeants were no longer to do the training and drilling of soldiers. Officers were encouraged to train, drill, and march with their soldiers. They were also encouraged to eat with the common soldiers as well, whenever possible. The officers needed to show love of the soldiers to earn their respect, and in doing this the officers needed to set themselves as an example to the soldiers by overachieving, rather than distancing themselves and underachieving in the eyes of the soldier. Before Steuben arrived, the forms of drills, training, and discipline in the

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mental Illness: Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression Cassie McFadden General Psychology Understanding Depression Many mental health disorders may affect one’s life to a point of not being able to function. However, one of the most common is depression which is a mental illness causing continuous lethargy, sadness, and even thoughts of suicide. Like many other health conditions, there are several possible symptoms and the disease is not exactly the same in any two people.According to the National Institute of Mental Health common symptoms include, but are not limited to sadness, anxiety, or a hollow feeling, feelings of guilt, irritability, lack of interest or participation in previous hobbies or sex, fatigue, lethargy, increased difficulty remembering or concentrating, insomnia or hypersomnia, eating too little or too much, persistent headaches or body aches. Depression can occur in anyone at any point in their life. â€Å"Most likely, depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, enviro nmental, and psychological factors.Depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain. Longstanding theories about depression suggest that important neurotransmitters—chemicals that brain cells use to communicate—are out of balance in depression. But it has been difficult to prove this. † (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012) Although depression is not prejudice and can occur in anyone, women are most commonly affected by the illness. â€Å"Biological, life cycle, hormonal, and psychosocial factors that women experience may be linked to women's higher depression rate.Researchers have shown that hormones directly affect the brain chemistry that controls emotions and mood. † (National Institute of Mental Health) In conclusion, depression is a very serious illness that affects many people every day. Especially for people suffering from chronic or severe depression, it may seem like there is not any hope. However, depression can be managed with proper medic ations which will promote a happier and healthier life. References * National Institute of Mental Health (2012). Depression Retrieved from http://www. nimh. nih. gov/health/publications/depression/what-causes-depression. shtml

Friday, November 8, 2019

Deciphering 7 Job Ad Phrases and What They Really Mean

Deciphering 7 Job Ad Phrases and What They Really Mean Sometimes reading a job description is a bit like trying to decipher The Matrix. While some phrases are literal, others are more cryptic, leaving you to wonder, â€Å"Is this really the right job for me?† This handy crib sheet can help you understand what employers really mean when they write job descriptions. 1. â€Å"Multitasking†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Multitasking† sounds like a great skill, right? Being recognized for your ability to do many things at once is, on the surface, a positive one. However, while the job description may simply mean that you will be expected to balance, prioritize, and complete work in order of importance, it can also have an underlying meaning: that your employer will expect you to do anything and everything - whether or not it actually falls under the roles and responsibilities of your job.If you like to have understanding of what your job will entail, and prefer to stay within those guidelines, then the â€Å"multitasking† keyword may set off alarm bells for you.2. â€Å"Team Player†In our increasing era of collaboration, the need for team players goes without saying. So what does it mean when a job description highlights this fact? Along the same lines as â€Å"multitasking,† this may cloak what employers are really looking for: someone to do the dirty work in the form of the department’s most untenable work. Or, you may be asked to put aside your own work to help a teammate who dropped the ball. Over time, this can become a major frustration.3. â€Å"Entrepreneurial†Entrepreneurial skills are highly prized in today’s business world. While some companies may be looking for movers and shakers, others may be cloaking an unclear or irregular job description.Rather than being given a firm set of responsibilities, you may be expected to intuit where you need to be and when, which can be a recipe for disaster in uncertain situations.4. â€Å"A Fast-Paced Job Environment†This one m ay sound like a thrilling opportunity. After all, who wants a job that’s slow and boring? But this description may be a hidden warning that you’ll be working in a pressure-packed environment. While this may work for you if tight deadlines and frenetic work hours help keep you motivated, if you prefer a more stable environment, think twice.5. â€Å"Must have a good sense of humor†A sense of humor is an addition to any office, but that goes without saying. However, if a good sense of humor is requisite for the job - and the job doesn’t involve working in comedy club - then more likely than not this may indicate that the company culture leans toward the off, unusual, inappropriate, or even alienating.It may also mean that they are looking for an employee who will laugh in the face of adversity†¦and thereby that adversity exists.6. â€Å"Perfect for stay-at-home moms and students.†Stay-at-home moms and students may be looking for flexible hours, so job descriptions which put these words front and center may be particularly appealing to them. However, this may also be a way of suggesting that both experience requirements and pay are minimal.Many people in need of part-time work are also willing to work for less so the competition may be surprisingly steep.7. â€Å"Passionate†It’s good to be committed to your job, but not if â€Å"passionate† means â€Å"willing to work for much less to do what you love.† It may also mean that an employer expects candidates to be willing to put their jobs above all other commitments.As the competition for the best candidates becomes fiercer, employers are getting savvy about crafting job descriptions that catch the attention of potential applicants. Savvy applicants, meanwhile, can be prepared to decode job description lingo and find a job description that matches their expectations when it comes to a real-world job.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Negative Health Effects of Global Warming

Negative Health Effects of Global Warming Climate change driven by global warming is a reality; the health effects which can be attributed to the changes are measurable and increasing in severity. The World Health Organization reports that between 2030 and 2050, climate change is likely to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and heat stress. Key Takeaways: The Health Effects of Global Warming Health effects of climate change have been recorded and are being actively studied in five areasClimate change indicators include sea level rise of 7 inches since 1918, global temperature of 1.9 degrees F higher than in 1880  More than 4,400 people have already been displaced by climate changesHeat waves and other weather-related events are increasing Climate Change and Health According to the United States NASA, in 2019, the global temperature was 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit higher than it was in 1880: 18 of the 19 warmest years since then have occurred since 2001. The global sea level has risen 7 inches in since 1910, a fact which is directly attributable to the rise in ambient and sea surface temperature leading to the shrinking of glacial ice at the poles and in the tops of the highest mountains.   In 2016, the British scientific/medical journal The Lancet announced the Lancet Countdown, an ongoing study to be written by  an international team of researchers tracking climate change and its health impacts, as well as supporting efforts to ease the associated problems. In 2018, the Countdowns groups of scientists were focused (in part) on five health-related aspects: health effects of heat waves; change in labor capacity; the lethality of weather-related disasters; climate-sensitive diseases; and food insecurity.   Health Effects of Heat Waves   Heat waves are defined as a period of more than three days during which the minimum temperature is greater than the minimum recorded between 1986 and 2008. The minimum temperatures were chosen as measures because coolness in the overnight hours is a vital component helping vulnerable people recover from the heat of the day. Four billion people live in hot areas worldwide and are expected to experience significantly reduced work capacity as a result of global warming. Health impacts of heat waves range from a direct increase in heat stress and heat stroke to impacts on pre-existing heart failure and acute kidney injury from dehydration.  Elderly people, children younger than 12 months, and people with chronic cardiovascular and renal disease are particularly sensitive to these changes. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of vulnerable people exposed to heatwaves increased from 125 million to 175 million. Changes in Labor Capacity   Higher temperatures pose profound threats to occupational health and labor productivity, particularly for people undertaking manual, outdoor labor in hot areas. Increased temperature makes it more difficult to work outside: the global labor capacity in rural populations decreased by 5.3 percent from 2000 to 2016.  The level of heat impacts health as a side effect of the damage incurred to peoples economic well-being and livelihoods, particularly on those who rely on subsistence farming. Lethality of Weather-Related Disasters   A disaster is defined as either 10 or more people killed; 100 or more people affected; a state of emergency is called, or a call for international assistance is made. Between 2007 and 2016, the frequency of weather-related disasters such as floods and droughts has increased by 46 percent, compared to the average between 1990 and 1999. Fortunately, mortality of these events has not increased, due to better reporting times and better-prepared support systems.   Climate-Sensitive Diseases   There are several diseases which are considered sensitive to climate change, falling into the categories of vector-borne (diseases transmitted by insects such as malaria, dengue fever, Lyme disease, and plague); water-borne (such as cholera and giardia); and airborne (such as meningitis and influenza). Not all of these are currently on the rise: many are being effectively treated by available drugs and health services, although that may not continue as things evolve. However, the cases of dengue fever have doubled every decade since 1990, and there were 58.4 million apparent cases in 2013, accounting for 10,000 deaths. Malignant melanoma, the least common but most lethal of cancers, has also been steadily rising over the past 50 years- annual rates have risen as rapidly as 4–6 percent in fair-skinned people.   Food Security   Food security, defined as the availability and access to food, has decreased in many countries, particularly those in East Africa and Southern Asia. Global wheat production drops 6 percent for every 1.8 degree Fahrenheit rise in growing season temperatures. Rice yields are sensitive to overnight minimums during the growing season: an increase in 1.8 degrees means a decrease of 10 percent of rice yield.   There are one billion people on earth who rely on fish as their principal source of protein. Fish stocks are declining in some regions as a result of sea surface temperature rise, salinity increases, and harmful algal blooms.   Migration and Population Displacement   As of 2018, 4,400 people have been displaced from their homes solely as a result of climate change. Those include Alaska, where over 3,500 people had to abandon their villages because of coastal erosion, and in the Carteret Islands of Papua New Guinea, where 1,200 people left because of sea level rise. That has health impacts on mental and physical health of individuals within those communities, and in the communities where the refugees end up.   That is expected to increase, as the sea level rises. In 1990, 450 million people lived in regions that were below 70 feet above sea level. In 2010, 634 million people (about 10% of the global population) lived in areas that are less than 35 feet about current sea level.   Health Effects of Global Warming Hardest on Poor Nations Climate change and global warming are impacting the entire world, but it is particularly hard on people in poor countries, which is ironic because the places that have contributed the least to global warming are most vulnerable to the death and disease higher temperatures can bring. Regions at the highest risk for enduring the health effects of climate change include coastlines along the Pacific and Indian oceans and sub-Saharan Africa. Large sprawling cities, with their urban heat island effect, are also prone to temperature-related health problems. Africa has some of the lowest per-capita emissions of greenhouse gases. Yet, regions of the continent are gravely at risk for diseases related to global warming. Global Warming is Getting Worse Scientists believe that greenhouse gases will increase the global average temperature by approximately 6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. Extreme floods, droughts and heat waves are likely to strike with increasing frequency. Other factors such as irrigation and deforestation can also affect local temperatures and humidity. Model-based forecasts of health risks from global climate change project that: Climate-related disease risks of the various health outcomes assessed by WHO will more than double by 2030.Flooding as a result of coastal storm surges will affect the lives of up to 200 million people by the 2080s.Heat-related deaths in California could more than double by 2100.Hazardous ozone pollution days in the Eastern U.S. could increase 60 percent by 2050. Selected Sources Abel, David W., et al. Air-Quality-Related Health Impacts from Climate Change and from Adaptation of Cooling Demand for Buildings in the Eastern United States: An Interdisciplinary Modeling Study. PLOS Medicine 15.7 (2018): e1002599. Print.Costello, Anthony, et al. Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change: Lancet and University College London Institute for Global Health Commission. The Lancet 373.9676 (2009): 1693–733. Print.Gasparrini, Antonio, et al. Projections of Temperature-Related Excess Mortality under Climate Change Scenarios. The Lancet Planetary Health 1.9 (2017): e360–e67. Print.Kjellstrom, Tord, et al. Heat, Human Performance, and Occupational Health: A Key Issue for the Assessment of Global Climate Change Impacts. Annual Review of Public Health 37.1 (2016): 97–112. Print.Mora, Camilo, et al. Broad Threat to Humanity from Cumulative Climate Hazards Intensified by Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Nature Climate Change 8.12 (2018): 1062–71. Print.M yers, Samuel S., et al. Climate Change and Global Food Systems: Potential Impacts on Food Security and Undernutrition. Annual Review of Public Health 38.1 (2017): 259-77. Print. Patz, Jonathan A., et al. Impact of Regional Climate Change on Human Health. Nature 438.7066 (2005): 310–17. Print.Patz, Jonathan A., et al. Climate Change and Global Health: Quantifying a Growing Ethical Crisis. EcoHealth 4.4 (2007): 397–405. Print.Scovronick, Noah, et al. The Impact of Human Health Co-Benefits on Evaluations of Global Climate Policy. Nature Communications 10.1 (2019): 2095. Print.Watts, Nick, et al. The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: From 25 Years of Inaction to a Global Transformation for Public Health. The Lancet 391.10120 (2018): 581–630. Print.Wu, Xiaoxu, et al. Impact of Climate Change on Human Infectious Diseases: Empirical Evidence and Human Adaptation. Environment International 86 (2016): 14–23. Print.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Using predictive modeling in insurance underwriting Research Paper

Using predictive modeling in insurance underwriting - Research Paper Example Underwriting is done by ensuring that there is more collection of premium and investment income by the insurance company than the losses paid out by the company. This can be done by implementing new strategies of pricing of premium to the customers. The below formula should be used to ensure that there is profit realization by the insurance company. The risk of the damaged is transferred from the insurer to the insurance company by compensating the damage. The compensation of the damage may be higher than that of the charges from the insurer. In case there is such occurrence, the insurance companies, process the clients demand by forming mitigate and consortium risk amongst them (Siegel, 2013). For example, the company tries to balance the various types of insurance hazards such as fire to cater for other costs incurred. Pricing to cater for different risk involves the comparison between the actual losses with relative losses. In this method, multivariate or univariate analyses and probability analyses are used to approximate ratemaking and approximating the rate of future claims based on a given risk. Therefore, the decision on premium to be charged is a major problem in the insurance companies. As stated above, the claims and the underwritten cost should be less compared to the premium received by the company (Siegel, 2013). The K- means clustering can be used to determine or classify the customer based on the risk, the characteristics of a customer, and also determining the probability of the customer based on their characteristics. Through this method, the company can target a certain group of customers by different marketing plans and increase the profitability of the company. The use of clustering method can help in developing new products or cross selling product by understanding the market behavior (Zhu & Davidson, 2007). For example, some of the customers can fall under two or more covers at the same time due to different demographic

Friday, November 1, 2019

What do you consider to be the core concepts of socialism as an Essay

What do you consider to be the core concepts of socialism as an ideology - Essay Example Despite the emergence of political and economic ideologies in various countries to initiate progressive change and uplift ordinary citizens from poverty, some leaders still practice dictatorship and absolute monarchy thus stunting their country’s growth and development. There are various core concepts of socialism that defines it as an ideology. For example, it has the economic system structured in way that workers participate in a collective means of production. This technique often adopts the social ownership means of producing goods and services while engaging in cooperative management for the benefit of the economy. Similarly, by being a social ownership, socialism deals with common ownership, cooperative enterprises and state ownership. Contrastingly, as a core concept of being an economic system, the socialist ideology focuses on market planning to ensure that institutions have a productive means of serving the interests of the citizen (Carter 2003, p. 110). On that note , socialism tackles different forms of economy under the concept of the economic system to find a balance with a capitalist state that usually fleeces its citizens through serious competitive machinations. There is the planned economy where the means of production is mixed with public ownership to permit distribution and coordination and also facilitate economic planning. This differs fundamentally with the defining features of capitalism because a planned economy has two forms of planning namely the centralized and decentralized planning. Consequently, to boost production, Marxists Leninists adopted the central planning to expand the economy. However, Trotskyites preferred the decentralized planning because they felt that it could be coordinated efficiently to serve all people and also support the local economic conditions. Under the concept of the economic system, socialism is also connected to the self managed economy where only autonomous units are allowed to conduct self-regula tion and other forms of decision making (Freeden et al 2013, p. 156). This model is exemplified by a cooperative economy that connects well with a free market economy unlike in the decentralized system in the planned economy. It equally encourages the application of computers in the management of economic units because it augurs well with the new generation of workers in participatory economics. Another core concept of socialism as an ideology is it being a political theory. In other words, it is both a political philosophy and a political movement unlike its counterpart, capitalism that is fundamental economic based. In that view, it aims for a socialist state where organizations and political parties are all socialist and hence connect to socioeconomic system. Karl Mark and Friedrich Engels remain its pioneer economic theorists who castigated capitalism for its obsoleteness and lack of sustainability to enable economies prosper in the 10th century. They argued that only socialism with the concept of a political theory would overcome the contradictions of capitalism by ensuring that the working class developed a consciousness to rebel against the wage slavery (Soborski 2013, p. 180). As a result a classless society would emerge and end capitalism with its inequalities particularly its grip on production by a few industrialists. The displacement of capitalism as a core concept was also manifested in giving

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Arab Spring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arab Spring - Essay Example One of the obvious the arguments that could have caused the Arab Spring is the citizens’ anger with the old and dictatorial government regimes. Those who argue on these bases claim that the Middle East and North Africa world has a long history of a scuffle for political change, from leftist factions to Islamist radicals. But the Arab Spring that started in 2011 could never have evolved if things were better then. The revolution could not have turned into a mass phenomenon that has produced about quarter a million loss of lives and millions of refugees had it not been for the widespread dissatisfaction with a dictatorial regime(Haas et al, 56). The argument can be advanced by the fact that the economic crisis which was one of the causes of the uprising could have stabilized over time under a credible and competent government, but by late 20th century, most Arab dictatorships led by Muammar al-Qaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Ben Ali were utterly bankrupt both morally and ideologically. When the Arab Spring occurred in 2011, Muammar al-Qaddafi had been in power in Libya for 42 years, Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak had been in power for 1980 while Tunisia’s Ben Ali from 1987. Furthermore, the leaders did not upload any human right that continuously angered the citizens for years basing on the way they even took power in the first place. For instance, Al-Kaddafi and Hosni Mubarak who were some of the oldest leaders in the world prior to the Arab Spring ruled through dictatorship.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay Example for Free

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay The book The House on Mango Street written by Sandra Cisneros is merely a collection of different (and in some ways similar) traits, experiences, cultures, traditions, values and points of views of the girls and boys living at Mango Street. From these collections collating in 44 inter-related chapters create a single topic of how the main character in the story Esperanza Cordero evolves, empowers herself, dreams and struggles to have a life she is aspiring of someday while still focusing herself to remain her feet standing on the ground.   The story also tackles some human rights issues although it is laid not in a tragic or overly dramatic situation since lightness and simple poetic style of narrating events and describing characters through short outline and vignettes are the manner the author has used.   Hence, the book is intentionally written for young mind readers for them to know and understand serious issues in a light touch. As a young preadolescent girl, Esperanza Cordero manages to identify herself in each of the character lives in her neighborhood although not exactly in the same manner.   She successful shows through her descriptions of the place and people in her life the not-so-good and not-so-bad experiences of the dual citizenship inhabitant in the city like the Latin – Americans.   She is most likely referring to females.   These females are what she actually provides us to be able to identify her as herself, or someone she wishes she could be or someone she hates exactly being a member of minority gender living in a minority community, in each of the characters given. Esperanza Cordero belongs to a family of six composed of a mother, a father, two brothers named Kiki and Carlos, and with only one sister Nenny.   Like many other kids, she has inner hopes and aspirations.   One of them is having a house she owns someday, and described as a white big one with lots of free space and bathrooms, perhaps due to her own experiences of living in a house of only one bedroom and bathroom.   After some changing of locations, her family decided to acquire a house to call their own to be free from rental obligations and irritating experiences of having landlords and landladies.   The house is situated at Mango Street.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some of the characters in the story are Cathy described as a typical rich girl who easily gets annoyed with the rudeness of people especially Esperanza’s male neighbors, Sally who at a young age forced to get married just to be free from domestic violence at home, another rich girl Alicia who always gets horrified with rats in their house, Elenita the fortune-teller, the materialistic girl Marin, Ruthie and Rafaela who always keep on telling Esperanza the disadvantages of marrying at a young age, and sisters Lucy and Rachel who are her playmates and companions in biking and in some memorable adventures along with her sister Nenny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Empowering herself is passively done as it is only a shadow which reflects her girly actions through her noting down of observations and understandings.   It means that the struggle of Esperanza to be free over power and superiority does not mean that she has to gain it over others or at the expense of others.   It only suggests that being true to oneself, as what she does, is enough to make things change for betterment. R E F E R E N C E S Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Random House Inc. 2005

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Macbeth: Schizophrenic? Essay -- essays research papers

Macbeth’s tragic downfall into insanity could be modernly diagnosed as the mental disorder schizophrenia. Many of the actions carried out by Macbeth during the play lead the reader to believe that Macbeth is crazy. However, by today’s medical standards, Macbeth falls into several of the categories under the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined as, "a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought, and conduct." In Act I Macbeth is very uneasy in his and Lady Macbeth’s decision to kill Duncan. He says, â€Å"We shall proceed no further in this business. For he hath honored me of late.† (I.7.31-32) This is an unmistakable example of how Macbeth is not fully confident in his decisions. He feels guilt and anguish, as does Lady Macbeth, for she will not commit the murder herself, due to the fact that King Duncan looks too much like her father. At this point in the play, it is quite questionable as to weather either of the conspirators will consummate to the killings. Duncan’s death can be identified as the turning point of Macbeth’s sanity. This is when Macbeth starts to clearly display numerous symptoms of schizophrenia. O One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia is the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Macbeth displays this characteristic as he speaks vehemently to an empty chair, which he believes is the ghost of his old friend Banquo, w ho he just recently had killed. He says, â€Å"Prithee, see there! behold! look! lo! how say you? Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too. If charnel-houses and our graves must send Those that we bury back, our monuments Shall be the maws of kites.† (III, 4) Macbeth is the only one to see the ghost, not even the audience is allowed by Shakespeare to see this apparition. After this, his mental stability begins to deteriorate throughout the course of the play. Guilt and obsession are also among the leading features associated with schizophrenia. After Macbeth is coaxed into killing Duncan, he is plagued by the blood, which he has spilt. However, he still manages to kill anyone who threatens his reign, even those who are very close to him. One could say that his obsession with maintaining his royal sta... ...s disorganized and fragmented, the ill person's speech is often muddled or unreasonable. Thought disorder is frequently accompanied by inappropriate emotional responses: which means words and mood do not appear in tune with each other. The result may be something like laughing when speaking of shady or frightening events. Early warning signs, such as Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking, her irrational speech, and her loss of normal temperament were all reverberations of her mental instability. Extreme circumstances such as the ones presented in Macbeth are highly probable causes for both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s development of schizophrenia. Their behavior, although seeming quite erratic and irrational, is quite common among patients with this disorder. The term â€Å"schizophrenic,† however, was not even brought to the public until 1911, by a Swiss psychologist, Eugen Bleuler, almost three decades after Shakespeare’s Macbeth was introduced to England. Citizens during the sixteen hundreds would have just thought Macbeth and his wife were insane and should be locked away. With today’s psychoanalytic sciences, though, it can be most likely predicted that schizophrenia was present in Macbeth.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

African American Musuem

Intro to Museum Studies Professor Kirsch September 19,2010 The African Museum in Philadelphia is notable as the first museum funded and built by a municipality to help preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. Opened during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations, the AAMP is located in historic Philadelphia, a few blocks away from the Liberty Bell. Charles H. Wesley was a noted African American historian, educator, and author.He was the fourth African American to receive a Ph. D. from Harvard University. An ordained minister, Wesley’s distinguished career included 40 years of leadership with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1976, he served as Director of the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum in Philadelphia, now known as the African American Museum in Philadelphia. Programs The African American Museum that is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has some interesting education programs.These education programs focus on arts, culture, a nd heritage education. They place a major emphasis on the interests of the students, educators, artists, historians, scholars, and community organizations. These programs offer diversity with scheduling. The programs explore various African forms of cultural expressions. In these programs there are literary performances, hands on demonstrations, workshops, and storytelling performances as well.The African American Museum in Philadelphia feels its programs can be a vital link between the permanent and visiting collections for the many communities they serve. Exhibitions The exhibitions in the African American Museum in Philadelphia can some to be pleasing to the eye and stimulating to the mind. According to the African American Museum of Philadelphia these exhibitions invoke a deep collection of emotion ranging from pride and passion to excitement and enthusiasm.When visitors enter the museum they will come to Gallery 1, which includes a interactive timeline, images draw from histori cal record, that spans 100 years of history. In Gallery 2 there are full size video projections in which visitors can in engage in them. Once they are activated, a monologue about life in Philadelphia will begin. Some other aspects of the exhibit include an experience where you can walk the streets of Philadelphia through a large scale map, which is located between galleries 1 and 2 .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American life Essay

Lorraine Hansberry’s 1959 play A Raisin in the Sun reflects the cultural context in which it was created, reflecting crucial changes in American life. In particular, it reflects the American mainstream’s new tolerance for civil rights and African Americans’ rising aspirations, but it also inspired a great deal of criticism from black leftist intellectuals for paying too little attention to black issues and focusing too much on integration. The play tells the story of the Younger family, who still live in their dilapidated Chicago apartment long after they migrated north and dream of improving their lives. Mama, the old-school matriarch, fulfills her late husband’s dream of buying a home, using his insurance money for a house in all-white Clyborne Park. (Her aspirations and actions seem modest, but they are rather bold for the time and imply the older generation’s wisdom. ) Her grown son Walter dreams of making a fortune but loses the family’s savings, though he redeems himself by deciding the family should move despite white neighbors’ disapproval. Ruth, his wife, is bitter but believes in Walter’s dreams and stands by him despite his faults. Beneatha, Walter’s flighty younger sister, is the most comical character; a college student aiming to become a doctor, she seeks her identity through two different suitors – rich, effete George Murchison (Hansberry’s symbol for affluent blacks’ pretensions) and Nigerian Joseph Asagai (who inspires Beneatha to reconnect with her heritage). It draws partly from Hansberry’s own experience regarding integration. Born into an affluent black family in 1930, Hansberry moved at age eight with her parents to Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood, then a white, middle-class enclave; he parents had to wage a long legal battle to move there, resulting in a Supreme Court decision that allowed racial covenants in housing. Like her family, the Youngers in A Raisin in the Sun face white neighbors who claim good intentions but try to discourage blacks from moving into the neighborhood. The family sees through Karl Lindner’s false friendliness, and Beneatha comments, â€Å"He said everybody ought learn to sit down and hate each other with good Christian fellowship† (Hansberry 107). The play appeared during a crucial phase of the civil rights movement, only five years after the Brown decision outlawed segregated facilities and only two years after the tense integration of Little Rock’s Central High School. Though the movement’s best-known campaigns focused on the South, author Mark Newman illustrates that the NAACP waged a long, successful campaign focused mainly on ending unwritten segregation and promoting integration in the North, especially Chicago (Newman 44). Indeed, Chicago was the site of extensive race riots in public housing in 1953 (Hanley et al 316), and in the 1960s Martin Luther King tried but failed to get Chicago’s neighborhoods to end their de facto segregation and stop driving out prospective black residents. Hansberry demonstrates that integration in the North was still a challenge, especially when the antagonists were not violent but superficially genial, like the Lindner character, who proposes a buyout and tells the Youngers, â€Å"I want you to believe me when I tell you that race prejudice simply doesn’t enter into it† (Hansberry 104), when it certainly does. When their meeting ends, Lindner’s words – â€Å"I hope you know what you’re getting into† (Hansberry 138) – betray his true feelings and perhaps those of Northern whites in general, who often favored integration but had patronizing attitudes and did not want black neighbors. In this, Hansberry launches a subtle but nonetheless clear attack on white hypocrisy. She also comments on the different facets of black society, which have different aims at this crucial time in their history. Mama has the most modest aspirations but also the most common sense; her simple, realistic desire for a home is both conservative and radical, since it involves integration, then the civil rights movement’s chief aim, though Mama is by no means militant. Walter, though fiery and impractical, sees her point of view after his own dream fails and takes a stand, refusing to defer Mama’s dream and telling Lindner they will move to Clyborne Park regardless â€Å"because my father – my father – he earned it† (Hansberry 138). The dream is Mama’s, but she and Walter together refuse to defer it any longer and act boldly. Meanwhile, Beneatha – the most comic character for her flightiness – represents younger, ambitious blacks’ efforts to find themselves. Studying to be a doctor, she rejects her mother’s traditional beliefs and dates two men who represent black youths’ aims. On one hand, George Murchison represents the black bourgeoisie, of whom Beneatha says, â€Å"[The] only people in the world who are more snobbish than rich white people are rich colored people† (Hansberry 34). Instead, she seeks her identity through Joseph Asagai, a Nigerian fellow student whose comment, â€Å"Assimilationism is so popular in your country† (Hansberry 48), makes her look away from integration as an answer. Walter, always humoring his sister, tells her, â€Å"You know, when the New Negroes have their convention . . . [you are] going to be the chairman of the Committee on Unending Agitation† (Hansberry 98). Though white audience hailed the play, black intellectuals did not receive it with equal regard. Writing in 1963, social critic Harold Cruse (a leftist who opposed integration in favor of Malcolm X-style separatism) excoriated Hansberry for catering to white liberals’ sensibilities, claiming she wanted to â€Å"assuage the commercial theater’s liberal guilt† and calling A Raisin in the Sun â€Å"a good old-fashioned, home-spun saga of some good working-class folk in pursuit of the American dream . . . in [whites’] fashion† (Cruse 278). In addition, he claimed Hansberry had an â€Å"essentially quasi-white orientation through which she visualizes the Negro world† (Cruse 283) and believed her not militant enough. Indeed, scholar Richard King claims that the play was part of a greater social context in which â€Å"cultural, racial, and religious differences were downplayed or denied in postwar America† (King 4). He claims that Hansberry downplayed her own characters’ blackness to the same degree that The Diary of Anne Frank downplayed its characters’ Jewish identity, and that Hansberry and others like her were â€Å"advocating the integrationist vision and falling prey . . . to ‘misapplied internationalism’† (King 273). However, Hansberry explores the black community’s different attitudes, rendering these criticisms ill applied. Though she was by no means militant and hailed from an affluent background, she experienced integration first-hand and knew it was not an easy sell-out (as the militant Cruse claimed). Instead, according to black scholar Jacqueline Bobo, Hansberry aimed to fight American popular culture’s still-prevalent negative black stereotypes and claimed in 1961, â€Å"I did not feel it was my right or duty to help present the American public with yet another latter-day minstrel show† (Bobo et al 184); instead, she wanted to present characters with dignity, intelligence, and genuine aspirations, which in 1959 was still a bold effort. The play is not militant, but neither does it whitewash its characters. A Raisin in the Sun is more than simply a play about a black family moving out of the ghetto; it reflects the social and cultural context of its time. It embraces the civil rights movement’s integrationist aims and reminds the audience that the Youngers’ move will not be easy, and it comments on black society’s conflicting outlooks while avoiding stereotypes. While it did not take a militant extreme by countering white racism with a racism of its own, it reflects a greater American context in which ending segregation was still a struggle, but one which the American mainstream supported and aspired to achieve (to varying degrees). REFERENCES Bobo, Jacqueline, Cynthia Hudley, and Claudine Michel, eds. The Black Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 2004. Cruse, Harold. The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual. New York: William Morrow, 1967. Hanley, Sharon, Stephen Middleton, and Charlotte M. Stokes, eds. , The African American Experience. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Globe, 1992. Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. New York: Random House, 1959. King, Richard H. Race, Culture, and the Intellectuals, 1940-1970. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Newman, Mark. The Civil Rights Movement. Westport CT: Praeger, 2004.